
  • 1334 North Hancock St Philadelphia, PA - Fishtown
    Packets of Red Plum circulars being delivered without bags. Loose circulars just blowing all around. This is nothing more than city-sanctioned littering. How to stop this?
  • Sidewalk Dumping オープン
    200 W Thompson Philadelphia, PA - Fishtown
    200 block West Thompson St. All matter of debris being dumped on the sidewalk on the north side of the street. Tires, boxes, glass, bedding. A complete eyesore only a block from the Piazza.
  • 800 North 2nd Philadelphia, PA - Northern Liberties
    The sidewalks, alcoves, curbs, sewer inlets, gutters, and empty lots on the west side of 2nd Street in Northern Liberties are choked with trash and litter. A disgrace to a neighborhood that is supposed to be so upscale.
  • 176 W. Master St Philadelphia, PA - Fishtown
    This is a vacant lot in the middle of the block. It is overgrown with giant weeds and is a hiding place for rodents and possum. Trash is also dumped near the sidewalk which attracts more vermin.
  • 148 W Master St Philadelphia, PA 19122 - Fishtown
    This is a mainenance/dispatching facility for ambulances. As they wait to leave, ambulances sit parked on the street or in the facility's driveway idling. the noise and exhaust pollutes the surrounding residential neighborhood.