Alison M

  • Pothole Archived
    2000-2040 Sandbridge Road Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    In right lane heading toward Princess Anne Rd just after turning right onto Sandbridge from Painters Lane there is a large pothole - second time I've reporting it - was patched but is again open - it hits on the passenger side of the vehicle when turning out and is fairly large and not easy to avoid as it is only a two lane road so there is no room for swerving is there is oncoming traffic. Needs more permanent fix apparently as last patch only lasted a month or so.
  • Street Light Archived
    Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    Driving down Nimmo Pkwy away from General Booth and toward the Lago Mar neighborhood - just past Camino Real S - on the right side the third from last light is out - I reported this about 2-3 weeks ago - it is laying in the grass - a car drove into the grass (there are deep ruts that also need repair of the turf) and it's completely downed in the grass in this area.
  • Pothole Archived
    Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    Large pothole in center/mid-right area of far right turn lane at Nimmo and General Booth Blvd. Needs patch. Entire tire can fit if you hit it right.
  • Interstate 264 Norfolk, Virginia - Norfolk city
    In left of two exit travel lanes from I-264 W to I-64 W. It is across from the road signage on the left and is a large rectangular section of previously removed and poorly patched road that is puckering and has created a large pothole. Needs smoothing and repaving. High speeds here. Very jarring.
  • Pothole Archived
    Norfolk Virginia Beach Expressway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Northwest
    This is a patched pothole area where the existing cement was cut out in a rectangular shape that spans the entire shoulder lane. It was poorly patched and is not smooth. The middle and sides are puckering up so when you run over it with a tire it is like running over a pointed volcano. Needs to be smoothed out.
  • Other Archived
    Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    Damage to turf and street light. Someone this past weekend drove over onto the side of the road where the running lane is and caused deep tire ruts as well as hitting a street light pole and knocking it down. It is still laying on the side of the road broken and downed as of this AM.
  • Pothole Archived
    Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
  • Pothole Archived
    5094 Virginia Beach Boulevard Virginia Beach, Virginia - Northwest
    Previous patches are uneven and rough - need to be milled and smoothed out at the intersection of Witchduck and Va Beach Blvd in the right travel lane. (other lanes as well but this one is only addressing the right lane)
  • Pothole Archived
    2220 Albuquerque Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    I'm unsure if this would be considered a pothole - the road was demolished to allow for a newer driveway to be poured it looks like - but this was nearly a month ago - and now it has been left with cones and it takes up the entire travel lane for those driving on the right hand side of the road. It's at least 4-5 feet across by my estimate - there may be plans to fix it already, I'm unsure, but it's been more than a few weeks already and any oncoming traffic has to swerve to the other side of the road or stop to allow cars to pass. So speed would be nice.
  • Pothole Archived
    1253 Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
  • Pothole Archived
    2000-2040 Sandbridge Road Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    This is a pretty rough and nasty pothole - I've forgotten it was here a few times when pulling out right from the Tidewater Physical Therapy building on Painter's Lane and it swallows the tires on the passenger side of my car.
  • Pothole Archived
    1897-1899 General Booth Boulevard Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    This pothole is located on General Booth Blvd, heading away from Nimmo Pkwy and toward Dam Neck - in the far left of the two lanes directly across from Malbon Bro BBQ and Gas Station. It is a drain cover that has sunk significantly into the asphalt and is several inches lower than the existing roadway. Running over this at the posted speed of 45 MPH is the equivalent of a significant pothole as the entire round metal cover and a few inches surrounding it are all sunk in. This is oriented on the left of the lane so the driver side tires of a vehicle hit it and it is very difficult to miss. I have reported it for repair three times over the last 5-6 months.
  • 300-368 West Bay Avenue Norfolk, Virginia - Norfolk city
    Large poorly patched pothole in the center lane of W Bay Ave at the intersection of Monitor Way and W Bay Ave (center lane heading away from base and toward Granby) AND large pothole in far right lane that has been patched and the patch is breaking off. The center patch is very large (spanning the entire middle lane width) and is raised up and not smooth or even with the existing asphalt/cement road.
  • Pothole Archived
    Nimmo Pkway Virginia Beach, Virginia - Virginia Beach city
    This issue is related to the open cut at the intersection Nimmo Pkwy and Townfield Lane which has a huge uneven temporary patch and is currently incomplete. I've been informed by Mark Dulowski that the scope of work for this section of the project is the placement of sewer pipe for the new subdivision Parkway Estates with no ETA in sight. This section of Nimmo stretching at least 100 feet is uneven, extremely bumpy, with some sections where there are several inches of difference in the patch and existing road to drive on has been left in this condition since late summer. We are talking MONTHS with no end in sight. This is absolutely unacceptable. The contractor cannot be bothered to try to make this patch more even with the road and smooth it out? This is dangerous and when family arrived for Thanksgiving they asked me that was wrong with the road there - 5 different individual drivers of vehicles. I have attached a poor photo but have videos of me driving over it I'd love to share as well.
  • 6280 Northampton Boulevard Norfolk, Virginia - Norfolk city

    The far right entire lane for many dozen feet approaching the ramp and once on the right I-64 West entry ramp while traveling on Northampton Blvd but not yet on I-64 is in serious need of repair. Several old pothole patches have worked their way loose or disintegrated leaving uneven and bumpy and pothole filled sections of the lane leading to the I-64 W on-ramp for the interstate off Northampton Blvd clustered more on the right side of the far right lane hitting the center and passenger side of the vehicle.

    This is still ON Northampton Blvd but is approaching the interstate on ramp for I-64 West. This lane is in serious need of repair and smoothing. Too many uneven patches in one spot for several dozen feet make for rough driving when approaching the exit at any time of day and at any speed.

    This issue continues onto the ramp also.

  • Pothole Archived
    Diamond Springs And Virginia Tech Ct Virginia Beach, Virginia - Northwest
    In far left (passing lane) of right traffic heading toward Northhampton BLVD. Pothole is a few feet prior to intersection of Virginia Tech Court but is on Diamond Springs and hits the passenger side of the wheels of the car. More right-oriented in the lane.