
  • 760 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - 770 Chapel Big
    Can we have a bike rack here for the local businesses?
  • 85 Willow St New Haven, Connecticut - Cedar Hill
    More light is needed at this intersection and on the sidewalks. This is a safety issue for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, for whom visibility is compromised. Photo shows no lights on the bridge.
  • 804 Chapel St New Haven, Connecticut - 770 Chapel Big
    This guy stole the bike tire he's holding!
  • 685 Orange St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock

    Tree limb broke in the storm last night. Moved it onto the tree strip but it should be removed. Thanks!

    Corner of Orange and Lawrence, even side of the street.

  • 120 Clark Street New Haven, CT - SOHU
    People keep driving the wrong way down the street (from Orange to State). This may be because some of the signs have overgrown foliage on them. I know this won't be a problem in a few weeks, except that the greenery on some of these signs are vines.
  • Graffiti Archived
    231-421 Livingston St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East Rock

    There is obscene graffiti on the East Rock Park overlook spot where the benches are, just before you go down to the river.

    Can someone fix this?

  • Pothole Archived
    50 Cold Spring St New Haven, CT 06511 - East Rock
    Please fix this giant pothole before winter.
  • Intersection Of Livingston And Cold Spring St New Haven, CT 06511 - East Rock

    This intersection has been used all summer to enable persons hosting parties in the park to drive through the park to get to the pavilion. While this has been reported to the police several times, it would be helpful is someone could put a huge boulder at this intersection, like the ones at the intersection of Cold Spring St. and Orange, to make it clear that it is NOT an entrance to the park (even though it is level to the street and easier than walking).

    What fascinates me most about this issue is that people can clearly not use the access road into the park because it is chained off/ blocked and so they just drive through the park on the grass instead. It is apparent that this is not allowed and the people who do this know they are breaking a law, but do it anyway because it is easier than parking on the street and walking a few more yards to drop off supplies.