Jkmnop (Pronounced Noelle)

  • Pothole Patch Archived
    581 Maple St Manchester NH 03104, United States - Manchester
    Potholes from Arlington st to just past north street. Fix the crap at North street too. Why are you guys so lazy? Does no one believe in a good quality job anymore? I’m honestly sick and tired of the potholes.
  • Pothole Patch Archived
    1423 Union St Manchester NH 03104, United States - Manchester
    Potholes up and down the length of Union st between Campbell and River Rd Please fix.
  • Pothole Patch Acknowledged
    Kaye St Manchester NH 03103, United States - Manchester
    Pothole at this intersection Fix it..
  • 414 Cedar St Manchester NH 03103, United States - Manchester
    There is a street light out at 414 Cedar St. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I will be forwarding this message to the aldermanic officials. Something needs to be done.
  • 414 Cedar St Manchester NH 03103, United States - Manchester
    There are now TWO streetlights out! What is the damn deal with these lights not being repaired?! I am going to call my aldermanic officials, because I have asked continuously and you are not fixing the problem .,
  • 420 Cedar St Manchester NH 03103, United States - Manchester

    Good evening

    I noticed that the street light is out on my street. I was told to come here to report this issue. It is in front of 420 Cedar. Right in front of my house. Thank you!