
  • 102 Madison Ave Memphis TN 38103, United States - Downtown

    The On-Ramp is damaged and not a ADA curb ramp It's located on the North West corner of Second St & Madison Ave , near 130 Madison Ave

    The area also sunk from the nearby sink-hole that's currently being repaired

    The on-ramp really needs to get re-done

  • Other Acknowledged
    120 Madison Ave Memphis TN 38103, United States - Downtown

    I am writing this formal complaint as the representative of the owners of the historical high-rise building, Memphis Merchants’ and Cotton Exchange, located at 130 Madison Avenue in the Downtown Memphis area. Our building is experiencing severe water intrusion problems, which are affecting the integrity of our basement foundation. This issue is a direct result of the adjacent parcel at 118-120 Madison Avenue becoming derelict and the presence of a small sliver of city-owned land between our building parcels, through which the water intrusion is emanating.

    The ownership of the building is deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of our residents and the preservation of our historical property. Therefore, I respectfully request that the City of Memphis take prompt action to address this issue. Specifically, I kindly ask you to:

    1. Conduct a thorough inspection of the derelict parcel at 118-120 Madison Avenue and the city-owned land between our building parcels to assess the severity of the water intrusion problem.

    2. Issue a notice to the owner of the derelict property, requiring them to take immediate remedial actions, including the proper maintenance and restoration of their drainage system.

    3. Address the water intrusion issue on the city-owned land by implementing appropriate drainage solutions to prevent further damage to our building.

    4. Monitor the progress and ensure that the property owner complies with the remedial actions within a reasonable timeframe.

  • 139–193 S Court Ave Memphis TN 38103, United States - Downtown

    MLGW still has not
    Repaired this sidewalk It's a hazard for all incoming citizens

    The whole South Court Street needs
    Sweeping due to rock debris from the water leaks