
  • 35 Boston Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Should I go down to the mayor's office to fix this could someone please let me know because this site isn't working and I don't know who to call the crosswalk at Boston and federal is still not working I have to walk out into the middle of the street to get cars to stop so they can get on bus safely even when the bus stops they go through it it's a very bad intersection and it's getting out of control and the city thinks it's a joke this light needs to be fixed badly everyone here complaints about it and yet the city does nothing so if anybody out there can help me go to the proper place to get this matter fixed and to get somebody really listen to me and us please let me know thank you
  • 36 Boston Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Again the stoplight from federal and Boston a cross with a lights are multiple children cross that and again nobody stops they will sooner run you over you have to stand in the middle of the street to get somebody to stop which is not safe multiple people and myself have reported this issue I'm not understanding if you can't fix the light can you at least put a pedestrian crossing sign it shouldn't be that hard can fix everything else in Salem but this for the safety of the children of our city you can't fix it that's a little insane don't you think
  • Crosswalk On Boston At Federal St City of Salem, MA - City of Salem
    Numerous reports have been made on the walk signal crosswalk at Boston and Federal Street has not worked in quite some time but lots of pedestrians cross here and cars don't stop even with light I'm not understanding why the city is refusing to pick up this issue and fix the light