Herbert Rd resident

  • Herbert Road At Lake St Arlington, Massachusetts - Arlington
    The block of Herbert Road closest to Lake Street is one-way. Too often people driving up Herbert are unaware of this fact and wait in the right lane to turn left. This can be annoying for drivers waiting behind them to turn right, but it is also dangerous for any traffic (especially bicyclists) using the left lane to turn left or go straight. We need a white lane divider, as well as turning arrows, painted on Herbert Rd as it approaches Lake St. The right lane should have a "right only" arrow, and the left lane should have "left or straight" arrows. As a side benefit, this would also help to deter people from turning onto Herbert Rd from Lake Street, which happens on an occasional but regular basis.
  • Herbert Rd And Randolph St Arlington, Massachusetts - Arlington
    Many people need to cross at this intersection, and detouring to the nearest crosswalk (either Brooks or Mass Ave) is prohibitively far, especially for children and the disabled, so people wind up crossing here illegally and unsafely. A crosswalk at this location wouldn't affect Lake Street traffic, since it wouldn't slow drivers much when traffic is light and wouldn't delay them at all when traffic is heavy.