Bob Buckley

  • 42 Hanson St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
    Can someone take a look at this tree in the park directly across from 42 Hanson Street. This appears to be a pretty sick tree with obvious rot in the trunk and limbs. Every time there's a stiff wind another limb comes down. Utility lines thread through its branches and the next limb to come down is likely to take them out. Thanks.
  • Boston Street At Federal Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Pedestrain cross light fails to comne on when nbutton pushed.
  • 42 Hanson Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Across from 42 Hanson Street nearer to the park side.
  • Nichols And Boston Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Sensor not working. Light will not change unless a car comes up Grove Street activating that sensor.