Fran Otto

  • Jim Gillis Historic Savannah Parkway Pooler, Georgia - Pooler
    This intersection is littered with debris, piles of dirt on the road and all along the curb, on all four ramps. In addition, the staked road dividers are constantly being knocked down by over sized trucks. Right now less than half of them are upright. Vegetation overgrowth is dangerously rampant which cuts down visibility making the intersection very dangerous.
  • 1501 Dean Forest Road Savannah, Georgia - Savannah
    Yes, I do realize that the intersection is going to be revamped. However, in the the meantime, the whole entire intersection has been neglected with very old debris and is desperately in need of curb sweeping.
    Georgia is so beautiful; it is a shame how the debris is overlooked and neglected. Please, please pick up and clean up that intersection.
  • 1481 Ga-307 Garden City, GA 31405, USA - Chatham County
    Debris and piles of dirt need cleaning up