Carla Barriffe

  • 6016 Shelane Court Raleigh North Carolina - Southeast
    Would like to put up a NO PARKING sign in the Cul-De-Sac. We've lived here for almost 14 years now and finally this year saved to put up a fence in April. We had double doors put on the fence so we could have access in and out of it to our back yard, but we have not as of yet been able to enjoy this feature because of vehicles blocking our entrance.. There's one person who parks there EVERY DAY and has told others they can't park there because that's his parking space where he parks his truck and other car ALL the time! Several Officers have been out here because of the complaint and this person has been ticketed but the problem still exist. Please Please Help!!! Please alleviate the problem for good by putting up a NO PARKING sign. I really like the scene of the cul-de-sac at
    the end of Lake Trout Street off Poole Rd. It's so uncluttered and nice looking with three NO Parking signs. Please put up a No parking sign in our Cul-De-Sac.
    Please feel free to call me at 919-607-5791 or
    Thank You