
  • 5721 Trask St Oakland, California - Seminary
    See photo
  • 5721 Trask St Oakland, California - Seminary
    Please see photo.
  • Other: Trees Acknowledged
    5721 Trask St Oakland, California - Seminary
    Tree Trimming needed. Tree branches is growing onto street light and power lines.
  • 5721 Trask St Oakland, California - Seminary
    Trash Dumped on my street, including box spring, clothes, bottles . boxes. sheets, chairs, dresser
  • 5721 Trask St Oakland, California - Seminary
    Piles of trash dumped in front of my home: dresser, mattress, box spring, broken pieces of wood, toilet, piles of clothes and random trash. This is an ongoing problem on my street, I seriously have to call every week, once the trash its picked up more is dumped a few days later. How Can I get the city to put cameras up or do something to catch the people who are doing this?? It has not stopped since I moved here! Its so depressing and unsanitary - Please help, this is an on going battle