Fall River, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 426 Closed Issues: 817 Acknowledged Issues: 50
  • Gibbs Street Fall River, MA - Fall River
    We live on a small side street that gets very little plowing . The lack of snow removal has left our street a sheet of ice. I have not been able to leave my home in my vehicle. It just stays in one spot , tires spinning. I know your all working very hard and I would not ask if this were something I could do myself . I have called a few times . Please could someone come by to sand our street . This is dangerous. Thank You
  • OtherOpen
    54 Assonet Street Fall River, Massachusetts - Fall River
    Why hasn't my street been plowed at all?
  • snowOpen
    52 Meadow St Fall River, MA - Fall River
    We gave barely been plowed snow in mounds 6 ft high , no salt , only saw 1 plow in last 3 dsys
  • OtherOpen
    1577 Pleasant Street Fall River, MA 02723, USA - Fall River
    High snow pile at corner of Jefferson st. And grattan st. Can't see cars heading south in Jefferson from grattan
  • OtherOpen
    604 Rock St Fall River, Massachusetts - Fall River
    No water
  • 93 Clarkson Street Fall River, Massachusetts - Fall River
    Due to the addition of the new development in the old belisle school site a fence has been installed at the end of clarkson st. in past years snow was plowed down into the former school yard, now with the addition of the fence there is a mound of snow the size of a mid size pick up truck at the end of the street. This pile is growing in size at a rapid pace with all the recent storms. With that being said it is beginning to block of my driveway. This snow mound needs to be removed from the end of the street with a front end loader or something of the sort. I need to be able to access my driveway.
  • Dwelly Street carlton veveiros elementary school, Fall river, Massachusetts - Fall River
    from tuesday, 10 feb. to wednesday, 11 feb there were numerous illegally parked vehicles in the school bus only pu/do lanes of veiveiros elem. school on dwelly street. this occured during at the am drop off and pm pickup times. in addition there were numerous piles of snow in the designated bus areas, many sidewalks not cleared. this environment has been extremely dangerous going to and from school for students walking , being dropped off and picked up in cars and school buses. school buses have to wait in the middle of the street because of the illegally parkedcars and snow piles blocking them. chiildren are walkiing between school buses out into traffic because sidewalks are full of snow. this can be extremely dangerous and is a disaster waiting to happen. dwelly street is a two way street with cars going up and down,trying to go around school buses inthe middle of the street. its areal traffic nightmare , particularly with pedestrians and children walking in the street. sidewalks need te be cleaned,illegally parked vehicles ticketed or towed, and clear the bus parking lanes from excessive snow
  • OtherOpen
    Bedford Fall River, Massachusetts - Fall River
    You tried to fill in a pothole a the corner of Bedford St and Oak Grove Ave and it is more like a sink hole not a pothole. The tar you put in is just going down further into the hole and it is getting worse. This needs to be adjusted and further looked into. The cover up work did not go well at all. In just 2 days in went from sort of flat back into a gap in the street and that was 2 days later. Not sure on how much more it went into today.
  • 1675 President Avenue Fall River, Massachusetts - Fall River
    The sidewalk around St. Anne's Credit Union on President Ave has not been cleared. This is hazardous for the kids walking from Durfee and Spencer Borden. I saw a teen almost get hit by a car because they were trying to get through the snow and almost fell into the street
  • OtherOpen
    Detroit St fall river, Massachusetts - Fall River
    At the corner of Jefferson and Detroit st there is an entire corner overflowing with over grown trees/weeds/shrubs. People have now filled this area with trash and liter, there are stray animals living in there and very unsanitary. People have thrown furniture in there also.
  • OtherOpen
    287 Hood Street Fall River, MA 02720, USA - Fall River
    How about cutting the grass at North Park! It's atrocious. If I'm not mistaken, the taxpayers fund the maintenance and park depts, what are we paying for? We should be able to enjoy our parks without the worry of long grass and ticks.
  • 295 Newhall St Fall River Massachusetts - Fall River
    the roads are deplorable, streets are too narrow and there's no place to move over for another vehicle. snow needs to be removed to make room for other storms like R.I. is doing. This is the worst job this city has done.