Litter PLUS

Open Issues: 66 Closed Issues: 13,880 Acknowledged Issues: 42
  • 127 New York Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07307, USA - The Heights

    This entire street NY ave between Ferry and Franklin is filthy. Each house could get a summons! One is worse than the next.

    Simply horrible the way people live in this city.
    Is there a quality of life department?

  • 136 Oakland Ave Jersey City 07306, United States - The Heights

    The city trash can at the corner of Oakland & Jefferson is no longer bolted to the ground. PLEASE FIX OR REPLACE! WE DESPERATELY NEED THAT TRASH CAN & MORE OF THEM!


  • Fairmount Ave & Storms Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - McGinley Square
    The resident states a mattress was left on this corner.
  • 34 Jewett Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - McGinley Square
    The backside of this home has the porch area full of trash bags. It can be seen from the Fairmount Ave side.
  • 48 Monitor St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07304 - Bergen-Lafayette
    House 46 monitor street is putting up a new fence (no visible permits) and dumping all garbage into vacant lot that is 48 monitor street
  • 28 Jones St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square
    The resident states that the property owner has not removed the garbage in over a month.
  • 175 15th St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07310 - Downtown
    There was a homeless encampment at this address which is private property according to the resident who called. The homeless were moved this morning and all of their property was left on the sidewalk including shopping carts. The resident is asking to have it removed.
  • Condict St & Delaware Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - West Side
    Many street’s storm drains in this area are clogged. With the storm coming later today this could cause problems with flooding for many residents.
  • 40 Beacon Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - The Heights
    A constituent reported an accumulation of trash on the sidewalk in front of this property.
  • 186 Morgan St Jersey City NJ 07302, United States - Downtown
    Shopping cart dumped on sidewalk again
  • 107 Collard St Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - The Heights
    Caller said several refrigerators are in front of this property for weeks and the trash cans are not covered.
  • 305 Coles St Jersey City 07304 United States - Downtown
    Can someone refill the doggy bags at the park and change the dog park garbage It smells there terrible and people aren’t picking up after their dogs because there aren’t dog bags refilled for weeks