• 301 College St New Haven, CT - Downtown
    I walked through the Green this morning headed to College and Chapel and lo and behold, there were several people sleeping under a tree surrounded by plastic bags, clothes, empty containers and other detritus. I've seen this in Portland OR where every night many people sleep in the parks, but never on the NH Green. In Portland, they tend to be teenagers; here, much older. It's upsetting to see the Green turned into an open air sleepover. I should have taken a picture. Next time I will.
  • 121 Elm St New Haven, CT - Town_Green
    Every day I see many disabled persons trying to walk across the intersection during the allotted crosswalk time. Many don't make it and stumble. It would be nice to make NH more accessible for elderly and impaired walkers. Just 10 more seconds would make a difference.