
  • Street Signs Archived
    Post Office Road @ Oliver Road Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    When weather permits the Yellow line on post office road for turning onto Oliver road needs to be repainted all the way down to beacher stow school there is going to be a head on crash there the cars are on the wrong side of the road coming into that turn onto oliver rd.
  • 13 Fairfield Road Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    Suspicious activity and vehicles coming and going after dark some days after 10:30 at night,argueing and yelling some nights in think I might have to call for a domestic disturbance.and starts all over again early in the morning
  • 13 Fairfield Road Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    We seem to have two driveways here in a residential neighborhood one driveway was is a double curb cut and second is a single curb cut and this address still parks some cars out on to the road, There needs to be a special permit and site plan set up for this address if they are going to continue running a business with additional vehicles and people that do not live there
  • Post Office Road At Corner Of Post Road Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    I know the owner is trying to get some things past thru the wetlands committee but it is time to say no and mean No have this owner go to plan B however Appearances are looking bad
  • Post Road Enfield, CT - polytest
    Lots of trash located in waterway along post road near courthouse bend on post road rotting and leaching out
  • 465 Rainbow Road Windsor, Connecticut - Windsor
    Have to navigate into oncoming traffic to avoid branches hitting windshield of tha Allied Transportation Passenger bus
  • Trees Archived
    George Washington Road Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    Branches too low over the road hitting the windshield and roof of allied transport busses on the wooded side of the road town dump trucks would have the same problem