
  • Potholes Acknowledged
    223 S. Cherry Street Richmond, Virginia - Oregon Hill

    The alleys located behind the St. Andrew's School, St. Andrew's Apartments, and St. Andrew's Church are in extremely bad condition. The potholes have become large enough to have caused damage to my son's car (currently undrivable), and my car (headed in for repairs...rattling). Only my truck remains undamaged. It is necessary to exit the apartment parking lot the wrong direction in order to avoid the potholes.
    In addition to the damage to the vehicles, the potholes, some of which are approximately 4 feet in width and nearly the same length by 6 inches or more deep, are holding large quantities of water. This is obviously a breeding ground for mosquitoes. We would appreciate this being corrected asap, before we destroy the undercarriage to any more vehicles!

    Kimberly Dell