Traffic Sign or Signal Issue Đã lưu trữ

7400 Seminole Blvd Seminole, Florida Hiển thị trên Bản đồ Ẩn Bản đồ
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ID Vấn đề:


Submitted To:

Pinellas County

Danh mục:

Traffic Signal Issue

Đã xem:

159 lần

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Mô tả

East/West traffic on Park Blvd is backed up due to short light cycles of signal at Seminole Blvd & Park Blvd. Light cycles were changed in the last couple of months to shorter cycles not allowing enough traffic on Park Blvd to get through light. Causes back ups and delays in morning and afternoon.

cũng đã hỏi...
Hỏi. At what time of day did you experience the problem occurring?
Đáp. mornings, afternoons

3 Bình luậns

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