Street Parking La Kaydiiyey

2701-2799 Ileagnes Road Raleigh, North Carolina Ka Muuji Khariidadda Qari Khariidadda
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Bixi Aqoonsiga:


Submitted To:

Raleigh City Hall


Other Issues not noted above


625 jeer



La sheegay:



Is there a way to get street parking prohibited on Ileagnes Rd? This is a very busy road with residents leaving out and coming in and the traffic of parents going to the Community Center at the end of the Dead End to drop-off or pick-up their kids. NUMEROUS parents have complained about almost being hit by vehicles not looking where they're going, pulling out in front of you or driving in the middle of the road. Every house on this street as more than sufficient driveways to park in and the apartments have sufficient parking lot parking. There's no reason to have so many people parking in the street on both sides. ESPECIALLY in the sharp curve towards the end, the house there parks in the street ALL THE TIME and it almost causes multiple accidents a day!

3 Faalladas

  • DBDowntowner (Isticmaale Diiwaangashan)

  • La qiray City of Raleigh 3 (La Caddeeyey Rasmi ah)

  • La xidhay SeeClickFix Moderators (Isticmaale Diiwaangashan)

Faallooyinku waxay u xidhan yihiin arrimaha kaydsan.